Emergency Management Victoria (EMV), plays a pivotal role in executing the Victorian Government’s emergency management reform agenda. At the core of EMV’s operations is the support provided to the Emergency Management Commissioner, tasked with coordinating actions before, during, and after major emergencies and managing the consequences effectively.
As a vital component of the emergency management sector, EMV collaborates with various agencies, organisations, and departments to ensure the sustainability, effectiveness, and community focus of the emergency management system in Victoria. In October 2023, LanguageLoop, delivered specialised training to EMV’s social media and communications team.
This dynamic team sought a deeper understanding of connecting with diverse communities across Victoria, recognising clear, quick, and effective communication’s critical role in the emergency management sector. The training was not merely a “tick-the-box” exercise; it aimed to equip the team with practical resources for navigating the intricate and sometimes sensitive subjects of Cultural Awareness and Communication.
Jennifer Hayes, LanguageLoop’s learning specialist and course designer, emphasised the importance of enabling the team to communicate clearly and effectively across multiple channels. She stated, “The training couldn’t be a ‘tick-the-box’ endeavour; it had to provide real solutions.”
The training was met with positive feedback from the participants and the organising team at EMV. The organisers expressed their appreciation: “The combination of the facilitators’ background at LanguageLoop and their passion for research and cultural awareness made for comprehensive and insightful sessions.” They highlighted the relevance of tailored information specific to their roles and acknowledged the practical resource suggestions that will be integrated into their day-to-day work.
Participants shared insights from the session, emphasising practical and best practices, new perspectives on language and communication, and an expanded understanding of various types of culture beyond language and heritage. The session prompted self-reflection and a desire to learn more about supporting refugees in settling after trauma.
IEMV’s team expressed increased confidence in preparing and delivering culturally aware information to the public. The session was a step in a continuous cultural awareness and sensitivity journey. The feedback demonstrated a commitment to curiosity, innovation, and empowerment.
If your organisation seeks Cultural Awareness and Communication Training, LanguageLoop can tailor sessions for your team with meaningful learning outcomes. Choose a path of curiosity, innovation, and empowerment over mere tick-the-box training. That’s what we do at LanguageLoop, we Turn Words into Possibilities.