Corporate Australia has paid lip service to diversity in leadership, says the latest report card ‘Leading for Change’ by the Human Rights Commission, but not at LanguageLoop.
The national report highlights that Australia’s cultural diversity targets in leadership are at a ‘disproportionately low level for a society that prides itself on multiculturalism.’
However, this is not the case at LanguageLoop. Our Board, Executive Team and staff reflect the truly multicultural nation that we are.
I’m proud to lead a highly diverse Executive Team with Indian, Irish, Indonesian, Filipino and Dutch heritage – not to mention our gender diversity!
With 49% of Australians now either born overseas or have a parent born overseas, there are significant opportunities lost if your business lacks a multicultural strategy. Research by McKinsey & Company supports this, showing that the most ethnically diverse Executive Teams are 33% more likely to outperform their peers on profitability.
Read the research reports in the links below: