Leading Australian language services provider VITS recently celebrated its rebranding with a launch event in its new offices with the Victorian Minister of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship, the Hon Nicolas Kotsiras in attendance.
Attended by a host of clients, suppliers, its Board of Directors and its dedicated team of staff, the event provided the ideal opportunity for networking and relationship building.
The event emphasised the ongoing development of the business into the future, whilst reflecting on successes of the recent past, which include the implementation of new state-of-the-art Telephone Interpreting infrastructure, the relocation to new office premises, marketing rebranding of the organisation and an imminent launch of a new website.
During his welcome speech, the Victorian Minister of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship, the Hon Nicolas Kotsiras pointed out:
“As a government-owned business enterprise, VITS is symbolic of the Coalition Government’s commitment to our culturally and linguistically diverse society, and to the provision of language services in particular. This (the new Telephone Interpreting infratructure) is a major upgrade for the company and is one of the most advanced automatic telephone interpreting services currently in operation in Australia. The technology provides automatic connections to more than 100 languages in less than three minutes, making VITS more competitive in the marketplace by responding to the demand for increased electronic-based interpreting services.”
VITS’ Chairperson of the Board of Directors, the Hon Phil Honeywood later added:
“The new VITS logo represents launching a new corporate identity. Throughout the language services industry and broader community we are known as VITS and the new logo emphasizes our name and identity, as well as reflecting the many changes VITS has undergone recently.”